Nowadays, there are some people who like to read books in their free time, when they want to flee from reality. To read a book is similar to visit new places without having been there, your imagination is alive and your creativity which is inside your head, too.

When you’re reading a book, you are in a new world, maybe it is unknown for you because it is invented by the writer or that place is the actual China, India, Russia, England, the USA, Argentina or Mexico. To read a book is traveling through time, maybe the book you’re reading is in a time where you haven’t been born or it is talking about the future when you are an adult or you passed away. So, the world of reading can help to improve your English vocabulary, every book has a different way to say things, there are new words to learn and in this blog we are going to tell you 3 benefits of reading.

Your analytical thinking is better

Your imagination, creativity and of course, your analytical thinking improve in the course of time. Cunningham’s studies have found that analytical thinking is boosted by reading. Readers improve their general knowledge, and more importantly are able to spot patterns quicker.

More vocabulary

This is especially crucial for bloggers or writers. All successful writers will tell you that in order to write well, you need to read. Every day. You’ll be surprised at the words you start incorporating into your writing, and take time to read an interesting book. 

Improved memory

I have an awful memory. People usually can’t remember what they have eaten for breakfast or dinner, let alone things like names and addresses. Yet they have been finding that they can remember stuff much easier when they have been reading consistently. In your free time, as a hobby, as a way of life.

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